The S.O.S. Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedic Study Club

เสนอการประชุมทางวิชาการ ครั้งที่ 19 ณ. ห้องประชุม โรงแรม Amari Don Maung Airport Hotel  วันที่ 13-14 มีนาคม 2568

วันที่ 13 มีนาคม 2568
8.00   ลงทะเบียน
9.00   บรรยาย  ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ

The 10 Commandments
TMD  Today (1 HR.)

10.00   Coffee Break

10.30  Extraction of all 1st Premolars and relationship to TMD
The Side Effect : The Bowing Effects, Anchorage loss,
Changes of Occlusion, Poor Torque Control,  Fail to
finish the case in Class I Canine and Molar relationship
Poor interincisal angle and its roll in Jaw movement and
Long Term Stability, Mandibular Entrapment and
Failure from VD Control and TMD.

Extraction of mandibular 1st Premolar in Class III with
large mandibular Apical base and its relationship to
periodontal damages and TMD (2 HRs.)

12.30   Lunch

14.00   Non-Extraction of the 12 Anterior teeth: Why?
The role of Bilateral Symmetrical Canine Guidance
and health of the TMJ
Non-Extraction Therapy in Class II, division 2 and Low
Angle face.
The use of maxillary Bite Plate vs. Bite Turbo(1 HR.)

15.00    Coffee Break

15.30  ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ    Treatment Sequence (2 Phases)

Orthopedic vs. Orthodontic Treatment

Extraction of maxillary 1st Premolars and mandibular 2nd
premolars: In high angle face (Wedging principle)
Extraction pattern of Choice                       1 HR.
16.30    10 minutes Break

16.40   Extraction of maxillary & mandibular 2nd Premolars
The Legend
Its role in maintaining the facial profile and Occlusion

Anchorage Consideration as comparison to the
Extraction pattern of all 1st Premolars  (40 mins.)
Q&A(20 mins.)

17.40    Meeting Finish

วันที่ 14 มีนาคม 2568

9.00   บรรยาย  ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ

Extraction of maxillary & mandibular molars
The Legend

Indication and Contraindication
Its role in improving the facial profile, Bite Closing,
Reduction of VD, Anterior Occlusion and anterior
rotation of the mandible (1 HR.)
10.00   Coffee Break

10.30-11.30   ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ

Management of cases with Molar loss prior to secondary
treatment (Correction of Malpractice)
Its relationship with TMD  (1 HR.)
11.30-12.30   Speaker 2…………………………………………….1 HR.
12.30   Lunch
14.00   ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ   Non-surgical Treatment of Class III
Dental and Skeletal Malocclusion (Dentofacial Deformities)  1 HR.

15.00   Coffee Break

15.30-16.30    Speaker 3………………………………………….1 HR.
10 minutes Break
16.40   ทพ. ชวาล  สมศิริ  Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Class III
Dental and Skeletal Malocclusion Dentofacial Deformities  1 HR.
17.40    Meeting Finish


Cost of the Meeting:

Member Price          9,000  TBH

Non-Member Price  10,000  TBH

Money Transfer to Dr. Schwan Somsiri Acc. No. 324-430-8933

Contact Us   087-700-9919, 081-495-4486, 095-329-2959

Email: drsomsiri@gmail.com


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